
Analysing Crossoak

Category: misc

A friend had a theory that photography, and therefore by extension c r o s s o a k is a window into my mental well being. So I did some digging which I'm capturing here (and which is in all probability a much bigger insight into my head...). If you have a similar theory, you might think the conclusion tells you quite a lot. If you don't it won't.

Getting the data

First off, let's grab some data from Wordpress, the blog platform that currently powers c r o s s o a k.

from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import GetPosts
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json

wp = Client(BLOG_URL + '/xmlrpc.php')

This gets a reference to wp which we can use to query wordpress, for example this code:

post_data = {}
# get pages in batches of 20
offset = 0
increment = 20
while True:
    posts =
        GetPosts({'number': increment, 'offset': offset})
    if len(posts) == 0:
        break  # no more posts returned
    for post in posts:
        post_data[] = {"title": post.title, 
           "img_count": count_images(post)}
    offset = offset + increment

will get some basic data on all the posts in the blog. In the above count_images uses BeautifulSoup to parse post content to count img tags like this:

def count_images(post):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(post.content, 'lxml')
    imgs = soup.findAll('img')
    return len(imgs)

So you don't have to keep querying the site, you can save to a local file. For example, to export as JSON with:

with open('wp_data.json', 'w') as outfile:
    json.dump(post_data, outfile)

which looks something like this:

    "4444": {
        "title": "Wandering Around Wasdale",
        "date": "20181027",
        "img_count": 5

where 4444 is the post id which you can use to reference the post on the blog with

Exploring the data

To analyse the content we'll use Pandas and Seaborn.

import json
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# load JSON file with our Wordpress data
with open('wp_data.json') as json_data:
    d = json.load(json_data)

# convert to a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
df = df.transpose()
df.rename(columns={'index': 'id'}, inplace=True)

Which we can then use to visualize the distribution of the number of images per post.

sns.distplot(df.img_count, kde_kws={"bw":.5}, bins=15)
sns.plt.xlim(0, None)
sns.plt.xlabel('Number of images per post')
Distribution of images (vertical axis) per post Distribution of images per post

To delve a bit data, we'll augment the data, breaking out the date with year, month, day and weekday and counting words and characters in the titles...

df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], format='%Y%m%d')
df['year'] = df['date'].dt.year
df['month'] = df['date'].dt.month
df['day'] = df['date']
df['weekday'] = df['date'].dt.weekday
df['title_words'] = df['title'].map(lambda x: len(str(x).split()))
df['title_chars'] = df['title'].map(lambda x: len(x))
df['title_wordlength'] = df['title_chars'] - df['title_words']

...and calculate summaries using groupby for counts of posts and the total number of images:

# get summarized views
df_imgs = df.groupby([df.year, df.month]).img_count.sum()
df_posts = df.groupby([df.year, df.month]).id.count()
df_imgs = pd.DataFrame(df_imgs)
df_posts = pd.DataFrame(df_posts)

df_summary = pd.merge(df_imgs, df_posts, on=['month', 'year'])

Comparing the DataFrames for the original data imported from JSON in df:

id date img_count title year month day weekday title_chars title_words title_wordlength
0 100 2009-10-28 1 Last game 2009 10 28 2 9 2 7
1 1000 2005-10-23 1 Alice\'s Jugs 2005 10 23 6 12 2 10
2 1001 2005-10-23 1 Padstow Sunrise 2005 10 23 6 15 2 13
3 1002 2005-10-23 1 Rock at Night 2005 10 23 6 13 3 10
4 1003 2005-10-23 1 Padstow Sunset 2005 10 23 6 14 2 12

and the view in df_summary:

year month img_count id
0 2005 5 50 50
1 2005 6 17 17
2 2005 7 8 8
3 2005 8 21 21
4 2005 9 7 7

Now we can dig into: posts & images per year...


Posts per year Images per year

And per month:

Posts per month Images per month

And per weekday:

Posts per weekday Images per weekday

Using the summary data we can also explore correlations between fields with a pair plot:

Summary pairplot

or look at the correlation between number of posts and number of images per month

jp = sns.jointplot(df_summary['img_count'], df_summary['id'], kind='reg')
jp.set_axis_labels('total images on a month', 'number of posts on a month')

Images versus posts per month

We can also play around with the words used in titles:

Words per month Words per year Words per weekday

and also see if I used longer or shorter words in post titles over the years c r o s s o a k has been published

Words per year


So what have we learnt from the excursion into the data lurking behind c r o s s o a k?

  1. 2012 was a low year for both posts and images posted. The number of posts recovered slightly in 2016-2018 but not the number of images (more posts have only one image on average).
  2. April is when I post most
  3. I post on weekend's and Fridays more than midweek
  4. I use the fewest words in post titles in May
  5. Over the years I've used more words and longer words in post titles
  6. This is the kind of thing you do on a dark autumn evening in the northern hemisphere. Apparently it's why Scandinavia has so many tech start-ups (relative to population).