Sunday Afternoon Ride

Posted by aiddy on Mon 05 October 2009

ride team pic

Not content with riding the ~10 miles to our house, James insisted that he drag us all off into the dank dark woods for some more two-wheeled exercise.

Actually, we had a metric tonne of fun, with H’s trail reading especially entertaining. Instead of Robert’s “tight right downhill, large rock stay left” we had “yikes”, “yeeks” followed by a “whooooaaaaa”. He jumped right back on again though, made his Dad proud (they’ll be a slight delay while I go and tell him that).


Having some hi-tech gadgets in hand for the ride meant that this time we didn’t get lost (and the jolly interweb knew where we were even if we didn’t).

Note: This post was updated on 2020-10-01 19:36:29 to fix broken links

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