Archives for April 2020

Nearly May

It's nearly May

It's nearly, but not yet, May in the garden.

Lock down dog walk

This gate is the only thing between us and those rabbits!

The fork in the path

The jumps are growing

Enjoying morning walks with Fay and the four-legged boys. We're extremely lucky to be here.

Happy Birthday Harvey

Harvey and Fay through the window

A birthday in lockdown.


This feels like yesterday!


2020. A steaming pile of crap of a year.

This could sum up most (not all) of 2020 so far. In general, a big steaming pile of crap of a year. Here's to H2.

A lazy lockdown Sunday

Time for a snack boys

Tub-side Corona

How does he do that?

Lock down afternoon lazy

The lazy gardener

Still risky

It's risky

The People vs Tech

The people vs tech

Why Don't You Just Switch Off Your Phone and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead? Like, read this book.

The People vs Tech


Then read Cal Newport's Digital Minimalism

Job done

Job done

Well, almost. Now time for a beer, shower and a dip in the tub.

Lock-in for lock-down

Lock-in or lock-down

We may have reached the point where we drink our way through the rest of lock down.

Flower-powered Yogi

Yogi with some flowers

Yogi disappeared into the garden to count flowers. He was gone for some time.

Wild flowers

Ragged Robin

Red Campion

First two flowers in the garden wild flower meadow. Ragged Robin followed by Red Campion.

Home office

Home Office

The home office is quite distracting. Bird song on conference calls is quite soothing.

Outdoor Gym

Outdoor gym

Lock down dinner

Lock down dinner is served

Lock down dinner is served. Tonight's chef special: H's Protein Blockbuster Stir Fry. Yum.



Hazel made birthday cake for Fay. Last long it didn't.



Something is not right with the perspective.

Spot the Ewok

Spot the Ewok

Playing hide and seek in the garden. Ewok won.

Bridleway to Brightwell

The bridleway to Brightwell

The bridleway from Shillingford bridge (ish) to Brightwell (ish). For my approved exercise.

Team Challenge

Paul's team challenge

Paul's team challenge. Something to do with players who have never played together or at the same club or country or something.



Friday Night is Pizza and Movie Night

Pizza factory

Movie night wine selection

Lockdown bread baking competition

Loaf the notch from the bread machine a give-away?

An evening at the pub

An evening at the (virtual) pub

An evening at the pub. Catching up and talking rubbish with occasional sense and insight about music.

Me and my shadows

Me and my shadow


Sun up down

Nighty night

Good morning

Good morning

Good night. Good morning.

In Profile


F, in profile, for A's drawing.



As I said previously, get ready for more abstract object studies of stuff around the home. A lot more. I'm not getting out much.

Wheat Field

Wheat field

More abstract

Shower room corner

> Shower room corner, Aiddy 2020.

As I said previously, get ready for more abstract object studies of stuff around the home. A lot more. I'm not getting out much.



A hedgehog found the bird table.



>A cairn is a man-made pile (or stack) of stones. The word cairn comes from the Scottish Gaelic: càrn

Cairn on wikipedia

Tub Life

Tub life


Yogi. waiting for the family to join his workout session

Yogi. Waiting for the family to join his workout session. The weight was long.


A message from the new prime minister

A message from the new Prime Minister. Thanks Boris.

End of the day

Yogi's chin

Wine o'clock

Lap dog

End of the day, so wine o'clock with the lap dog and the other one.

Glass, water

Water, glass, light, on wood

> Glass with water by light on wood.

As I said previously, get ready for more abstract object studies of stuff around the home. A lot more.

I did warn you.

Bird house

The bird house

The Bird House is 10. Yes ten years old this April and still going strong, if a tad faded and woodpecker pecked.

WFH Lab Setup


Working from home rig

I work on teaching computers to watch TV. Yes, that strapline is inspired by Douglas Adams (he of Always Carry a Towel fame!).

Working, or trying to work from home, means replicating part of our lab setup. This isn't it.

Pasta Cheese

Pasta and cheese thingy

April 8th is now Pasta Cheese Back-off Day. This year Amelie won. But the judging was split... by about 210km.

Dogs from above

Dogs from above

Dogs from above

Yogi and Ewok. From above. A new perspective.

Dog walking is exercise

Dog walking is exercise

Are we walking the dog, or is the dog walking us?

iPhone Recycling

Packaging from my first iPhone

The packaging for our first iPhone (the Cisco-Linsys one, not the Apple one). Found in the loft, now in with the cardboard recycling.

Lockdown Gym

Outdoor lock down gym

H's DIY lockdown outdoor gym. Membership rates are a bargain.

Daffodil Hill

Daffodil Hill

Local dog walks now start and end at Daffodil Hill. Named because it's a hill with Daffodils. Well, a bump may be more accurate. You know, kind of a like a mole-hill type hill. (But with Daffs.)

Sign Stories

Behind every sign, a painful experience

Behind every sign is a story.


Favourite treescape

Favourite treescape

Favourite treescapes. One has sequoias. Yes, the sequoias are tall.