A f£$%"#g year of Working From the Garden‽

Posted by Aiddy on Tue 09 March 2021

Working from the garden

A year ago I started Working from the Garden. What a ‽‽‽‽ of a year.

A year and a bit ago I was in Seattle, stumbling over a prophetic quotation:

> "The 20th Century was about getting around. The 21st Century will be about staying in a place worth staying in."

James Howard Kunstler

c r o s s o a k had more posts last year than in any other. I wonder why.

Looking back to last March I shared these stats:

> In the UK, today is day 53. 8,077 cases, 422 deaths. Twelve days since I was last in the office. Four days since the schools shut. Six days since H came home from university. One day since the government said "shutdown".

The government reported total deaths for the UK as of yesterday was 124,797. Wikipedia's list of UK causalities of war provides some context. It's greater than all UK civilian deaths from conflicts since 1900.

I'm very fortunate to be working, and even more so to be able to work from a garden, but when we look back on this period, I wonder what we will have learnt.

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