
Python on Unix

Category: Programming

A fragment to let Unix boxes (and Mac OS X) know that this is a python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

Add at the start of the script.

Make sure the script is executable with:

chmod +x

Mac OS Tools

Category: Tools
#Mac OS

Some Mac OS X stuff…

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

To install Homebrew. You might argue that downloading and executing arbitrary ruby scripts is a tad dangerous. But then so is downloading and executing some bin. (With scripts you have the benefit of being able to examine the source before you download, but watch out for a bait-and-switch if someone decides to show your browser different content because they detected a specific user-agent.)

Now let's grab wget:

brew install wget

You see, just like apt-get (or Chocolatey).

Now we'll use wget to grab stuff from a NAS:

wget -m ftp://usr:pass@server/path/to/files

(Why aren't we using SMB? That's a long story but essentially it's an old NAS and a recent Mac OS X build.)

If I don't want to include the source directory structure in the target add --cut-dirs=4 where 4 is the sum of the number of directories specified in the path +1 (for the server name).

Scrum and Agile Resources

Category: Learning
#programming #engineering #organizations #agile

Scrum resources:

  1. The Scrum Guide
  2. Scaling Agile at Spotify

I still don't get why "scrum" is an appropriate name for the methodology. I

  1. Bad Agile (from a Googler's perspective).

Chances of Success

Category: Learning
#education #teaching #inspiration #infographic

Via Mr Coakley (who I didn't get a chance to teach with) a Ninja Infographic on the chances of success

Chances of Success

Memory Testing

Category: Tools
#system #OS #memory #test

memtest does what it says on the tin. It tests memory. Grab the installer from and install onto a bootable USB.

On a recent machine you'll need to disable UFEI in the BIOS to boot from the USB stick.

Engineering Leadership

Category: Organisations
#leadership #engineering #development #management

44 engineering management lessons from a co-founder of rethinkDB →

Observations on leadership from a lone nut dancing

Category: Organisations
#leadership #organisation #learning

"The First Follower transforms a Lone Nut into a Leader."

Derek Sivers on leadership lessons from dancing guy.

Conway's Law

Category: Library
#engineering #organisation #structure

organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations

—M. Conway in How do committees invent Datamation magazine, 1968. There's a PDF version with the original layout but with bitmapped fonts.'s_law

Compost Tea

Category: Garden

I was trying to figure out what to do with the nasty weeds (Ground Elder and Bind weed). I didn't fancy burning, and regular composting is liable to just spread the stuff wider. Someone mentioned liquid composting, i.e. rot the stuff and use the liquid as a fertiliser.

I'm trying it.

The nasty weeds along with other green garden waste (including some grass clippings) go into a water butt. Water gets added. Things rot down. The liquid fertiliser can get drawn off via the water butt tap. At some point I'll need to empty the solid stuff. I'm hoping that if left long enough (how long?) that'll be an okay addition to the regular compost.

BT Broadband Update

Category: Misc
#Network #BT #Broadband

Update: 29/10/2014

Same person from @BTCare. Sorry to hear still slower than before. I checked speed while on the call (~4.4mps down). She wanted to check something, called back 10mins later with:

Test show that there's a mismatch on the supplier side. I'll escalate, normally 48hrs turnaround, but I'll check tomorrow

So, we wait some more.

Update: 24/10/2014

Lovely engineer. Line is okay (but replaced master socket to one with integrated filter). Cabinet port is also okay, feed from DSLAM in fibre cabinet is gving rated 40Mbps but this falls to 4-ish by the time it reaches us. Can't check the fibre cabinet though ("that's another bit of BT, BT wholesale").

Now need to wait 10 days for the line to stabalise. Then, assuming no change, will need to choose whether to go back to ADSL or possibly try the 80Mbps feed from the DSLAM because "that might give you *-ish by the time it reaches you".

Update: 16/10/2014

A nice person from @BTCare called. They predicted 9Mbps, so will send an engineer to check.

Updated: 06/10/2014 08:08:57

Original: 20141003 07:35:40

BT are upgrading the broadband today (Friday). Or at least they've scheduled an engineer to. Let's use their tools for data gathering: BT wholesale speed test


| Test | Download
(Mbps) | Upload
(Mbps) | Latency
(ms) | When | | :-----| --------------------:|----------------:|--------------:| :——: | | Before | | | | | | Dirty studio | 6.02 | 0.31 | 30.38 | Friday Day | | | 5.98 | 0.67 | 36.25 | | | | 6.08 | 0.77 | 44.38 | | | Dirty HH4 | 6.24 | 0.72 | 38.5 | | | | 6.02 | 0.71 | 35.25 | | | | 6.18 | 0.69 | 34.63 | | | Clean HH4 | 6.01 | 0.60 | 0.0 | | | | 6.24 | 0.72 | 39.0 | | | | 6.20 | 0.74 | 48.75 | | | After (BT faster broadband upgrade) | | | | | | Dirty HH5 | 4.31 | 0.95 | 53.13 | Friday | | | 4.47 | 1.03 | 117.25 | Saturday | | | 4.23 | 1.05 | 92.25 | Monday 6am | | Clean HH5 | 4.22 | 0.56 | 60.88 | Monday 9am | | | 4.24 | 0.55 | 45.25 | | | | 4.24 | 0.64 | 36.63 | |

