
Netflix HR

Category: Library
#Organisations #Work

Richard Branson hit the UK news recently with some comment/statement/assertion about his employees not having set vacation limits or a policy to follow. Unsurprisingly, it reminded me of the Netflix HR non-policy slides that hit the tech sphere a few years back. I was interested in how Branson's take was one thin slice of a bigger picture articulated by Netflix. Assuming that the Netflix model works, would taking one part of it in isolation work? Probably not.

Netflix Culture: freedom and responsibility slides on slideshare .

Effective PowerShell

Category: Library
#Powershell #Programming #Book

Effective PowerShell

Powershell JumpLocation

Category: Tools

A PowerShell script that remembers where you've been and makes it really easy to Jump there →

Most A/B Tests are Illusionary

Category: Library
#Experiment #Data




Demonstrates how application of standard statistical techniques are equally valid when applied to A/B testing, and how missing these can result in erronous conculsions being drawn from A/B test results.

Statistical Power

Simply, that the size of the sample you measure increases the power of the result where power is the reliability of the measure to indicate a difference when there really is a difference.

For A/B testing this means you need to run an experiement for long enough that what your measuring is actually a difference. The paper includes a methodology for calculating sample size.

Multiple testing

• Performing many tests, not necessarily concurrently, will multiply the probability of encountering a false positive. • False positives increase if you stop a test when you see a positive result.

Regression to the mean

Over a period of time even random results will regress to the mean. If you use a smaller time window you may identify early winners that are in fact random winners. Look out for the trends over time — if an initial uplift in A/B tests falls you may be observing regression to the mean.

Final quote

You can increase the robustness of your testing process by following this statistical standard practice:

• Use a valid hypothesis - don’t use a scattergun approach

• Do a power calculation first to estimate sample size

• Do not stop the test early if you use ‘classical methods’ of testing

• Perform a second ‘validation’ test repeating your original test to check that the effect is real


Git Cheats

Category: Programming
#Git #Source Control

A post to capture Git related goodness. The secret sauce? Branch early and often but merge and kill branches too.

Updated: 2014-10-03



Create a directory with your project

e.g. ~\project

git init

To create a Git repro. If you want a bare repro (i.e. because you're going to push to it from somewhere else) use git --bare init.

git add <filename.c>

To add a file(s) to the repro or to stage a file (staged files are like a snapshot of what you're going to commit before you actually commit (commit to committing!). This means you can stage files as you work on them and then commit an atomic piece of work.

Git will flag untracked files. If you want to ignore files, add them to a .gitignore file. For example:


Will ignore anything in the \output subdirectory. You might want to ignore *.jpg for example, but binary files and Git is a whole other story (search for GitMedia for example).

git status

To see what's what.

git commit -m "Commit message"

Commit whatever is staged to the repro.

git rm <file>

remove a file (from repro) and local directory

git log

Get useful stuff from git like a log...

...loads of options like for example

git log -p -2

which shows the diffs (-p) for the last 2 (-2) commits.

git log --pretty=oneline

What a GUI? use:


Remote Repositories

git remote -v

Show remote repositories

git remote show <remotename>

extra info about remotename

git remote add <remotename> <URL>

Connect to a remote

git fetch <remotename>

Grab everything from a remote but won't merge

git pull

Works if you have a branch setup to track a remote branch (although in my tests it just worked??!?) got

git push <remotename> <branchname>

Push your changes back to the remote - but beware if someone else has also pushed!

git clone <url>

Creates a local repro in a new directory with remotename=origin

git remote rm <remotename>

remove remote

note: you can use UNC paths on windows, but use forward slahes, i.e.

git remote add origin //home-server/git/Crowmarsh/Crowmarsh.git


git tag -a v0.1 -m "Tag: version 0.1 alpha"

Tag with annotation (v0.1)


git tag show v0.1

Important: git won't push tags to remote servers automagically. In that sense they're like branches, so you do:

git push <remotename> <tag>

e.g. git push origin v0.1

git push --tags

will push all tags...!


Branches are lightweight. Effectively they are a pointer to the git object that represents the commit.

git branch <branchname>

Creates a new branch pointing to the last commit.

git checkout <branchname>

Switches to the branch. Switches is a significant piece of terminology; think of it as switching rather than checking out.

git branch 
git branch -v

Details of branches....

Basic Merging

First, checkout the branch you want to merge into, then:

git merge <branchname>

If you get something like CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in readme.txt then you'll need to open the file(s) and edit to resolve the conflicts.

Then commit as normal...

Note that merge does a 3-way merge between the two latest branch snapshots and the most recent common ancestor of the two.

git commit -a -m "Message"

Mark has a useful blog post covering why you should

git fetch
git merge

rather than

git pull

Remote Branches

There's a branch on your remote repros to, typically initially this is origin/master (i.e. the origin of your remote and the master (or HEAD) branch). If you do work locally and then push to the remote all is fine. Except that is, if someone else has pushed to the remote in the meantime so that origin/master is now ahead. To you need to fetch...

git fetch origin

You can checkout a local tracking branch that git knows is related to a remote branch, and so automagically pushes changes to the right place without you having to tell it.

git checkout --track <remote>/<branch>

If you have a local repo and want to push to a (bare) remote repo, use

git remote add <name> <url>
git push --set-upstream -u <name> <branch>


There are two ways to integrate changes from one branch to another. merge (see above) and rebasing. Instead of the 3-way merging, rebasing takes all the changes committed on one branch and replays them (rebases) on another.

Switch to branch then

git rebase master

to rebase from master onto the branch you checked out.


Merging from a remote branch (i.e. two developers have pushed changes to the server in the same branch).

git fetch
git rebase origin/master



Tracking branches means Git is aware of the relationship between a local branch and a remote branch, for example, when tracked git status automagically tells you whether you're ahead or behind the remote branch.

git checkout --track origin/development

Will checkout a remote branch (origin/development) locally and set the relationship between them. Alternatively, you can set a tracking relationship when pushing your local branch. i.e.

git push -u origin development

git branch -vv

Provides details of tracked relationships known to Git.


Fix a detached head:

git checkout master


Overwrite local files

If you want to overwrite local, uncommitted, files you can use:

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

(From Stackoverflow)

Reference material

Executing a process on Windows

Category: Programming

A fragment to execute a process on Windows:

from subprocess import Popen
proc = Popen("vi \"" + filename + "\"", shell=True )

Which opens filename with vi (whatever that might be on a Windows box). Note that while Python is pretty good from a crossplatform perspective, it's not the best when it comes to executing other system processes. So, on other platforms, use with care.

Writing to a file in Python

Category: Programming
#Python #filesystem

A fragment for writing to a file in Python:

f = open(filename,'w')
f.write('Hey, I'm saying Hello file! \n')

Note that this will overwrite an existing file. Use open(filename,'a') to open in append mode. The Python documentation has details.

Python DateTime

Category: Programming
#Python #Dates

A fragment for formatting dates and time in Python:

import datetime
date =
sDate = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
sDateTime =  date.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S")

See see for formatting for details of string formatting for dates and times.

Python Command Line Arguments

Category: Programming
#Python #fragments

A fragment for processing arguments passed from the command line:

import sys
#… stuff
myArg = sys.argv[1]         # argv[0] is the name of the command

For more sophisticated parsing, StackOverflow has recommendations.

Serving content during development

Category: Tools
#pelican #HTTP #tools #python #web

Python's SimpleHTTPServer is my goto friend for serving HTTP requests locally while developing stuff. Sometimes however you get caught with the browser caching things that you really don't want it to. CTRL+F5 usually works (it's a hardcoded pattern for me by now) but today I stumbled on a gotcha: cached JSON content that a page was pulling in.

The solution for me, was to modify SimpleHTTPServer to set HTTP headers to tell the browser not to cache. Here's the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import SimpleHTTPServer

class MyHTTPRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
    def end_headers(self):
    def send_my_headers(self):
        self.send_header("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate")
        self.send_header("Pragma", "no-cache")
        self.send_header("Expires", "0")
if __name__ == '__main__':

Usage: python 8080 to serve the local directory on port 8080.

Source: The ever helpful stackoverflow