
Making Word documents from Markdown

Category: Tools
#text #markdown #documents

Markdown is awesome.

So awesome that there's even a standardization effort to create one common markdown. XKCD on standards


Aside: James asked what the big appeal was. For me it's a plain text format that has built in context with minimal distracting markup. As example:

# I am a title in **Markdown**

\chapter{I am a chapter title in \textbf{\LaTeX}}

<h1>I am a heading title in <strong>HTML</strong></h1>

End Aside

Markdown in Sublime text distraction free mode might be the best authoring environment, but it's far from the best reading (especially for non-Markdown fanatics). Fortunately, pandoc exists to make conversions between formats easy. For example, to create co-worker friendly documents form .md files I use:

pandoc -s --reference-docx=reference\reference.docx -o %1.docx %1

Where reference.docx is a regular OOXML file (from MS Word) that sets up my default styles so that, for example, Markdown regular text uses the Segoe UI Light font family.

