
Making Word documents from Markdown

Category: Tools
#text #markdown #documents

Markdown is awesome.

So awesome that there's even a standardization effort to create one common markdown. XKCD on standards


Aside: James asked what the big appeal was. For me it's a plain text format that has built in context with minimal distracting markup. As example:

# I am a title in **Markdown**

\chapter{I am a chapter title in \textbf{\LaTeX}}

<h1>I am a heading title in <strong>HTML</strong></h1>

End Aside

Markdown in Sublime text distraction free mode might be the best authoring environment, but it's far from the best reading (especially for non-Markdown fanatics). Fortunately, pandoc exists to make conversions between formats easy. For example, to create co-worker friendly documents form .md files I use:

pandoc -s --reference-docx=reference\reference.docx -o %1.docx %1

Where reference.docx is a regular OOXML file (from MS Word) that sets up my default styles so that, for example, Markdown regular text uses the Segoe UI Light font family.



Brackets Editor

Category: Programming
#Text #Editor

In a HN thread on editors (Lighttable and that teams plans to do stuff with Eve) someone mentioned Brackets in the context of installed and haven't looked back since. Right now I'm happy with Sublime...

...but you never know.