Eagles on the Skagit

Posted by aiddy on Mon 11 January 2010

Heading up the valley

North up highway 9, hang left to Darrington and then into the deep dark forest until Tom Porters Cabin (1887) in Rockport for a Skagit rafting trip.

Crew reporting for duty

John. River Guide.

The crew were ready, as too was John, our superb river guide.
Sorry Jessica – John got first prize in the hat competition. Fay’s only managed a close second.

Dad with Pootle

Dad with Perkin

For added fun the flumps also joined our merry gang on the raft. Seen here with Dad: Pootle (striped hat) and  Perkin (black hat).

Rafting (and canoeing) the Skagit

As ever when it’s not chucking it down, the scenery in this part of the work is awe-inspiring.

Eagle in a tree

Mr. Eagle

And the Eagles are pretty impressive too.

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