Brecon Loop

Posted by Aiddy on Sun 12 May 2024

Pen-y-fan Loop Hike

Pen-y-fan Loop Hike

Pen-y-fan Loop Hike

Pen-y-fan Loop Hike

Pen-y-fan Loop Hike

Pen-y-fan Loop Hike: the queue for the summit photo

Pen-y-fan Loop Hike

Pen-y-fan Loop Hike

Pen-y-fan Loop Hike


A beautiful 30k loop with Mart in the Brecon's.

Blaen-y-Glyn down to Torpantau and then the track up to what was the Upper Neuadd Reservoir (still on the OS map 😉). Then a steep up to the ridge along to Cefn Cul, past Rhiw yr Ysgyfarnog and Craig-Gwaun-Taf to Corn Du (and the first cheese and salad Croissant).

From Corn Du to Pen y Fan (ignoring the very English queue for the summit photo), a second Croissant, and then across to Cribyn (and a third).

Cribyn down then up to Fan y Big, Croissant number 4, and a chat with the mountain biker (olde school, hard core, no E's).

Decision time: short or longer way back?

Fan y Big down to Craig Cwareli, along the ridge to Bwich y Ddwyallt and then across and down the spur ro Twyn Du and the bottom of the Talybont Reservoir (danger, hidden machinery and strong currents!).

From the reservoir the track (cycle route 8) all along the eastern shore and a slog back up to Blaen-y-Glyn.

Awesome. Thanks mate!

Here's the route (via openrouteservice):

GPX route.

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