Articles by Aiddy

The Robot



Annecy Climbing Spot

Work Hard, Canoe Home

Work hard, canoe home

Pizza Clifton

Pizza Clifton

Collecting a house of F's stuff; and grabbing dinner together before heading home.

Eau Potable

Eau Potable



Breakie Biscuits

Breakfast treats

The Valley

Some pass

View from the Sella Hut

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

A pretty amazing place to spend the night. The Vittorio Sella Hut at Alpe Lauson (2.588 m.) in the Gran Paradiso National Park. Lovely people, great food, beer AND ESPRESSO!

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

And wildlife too!

A Week in the Alps

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

Italian Posters

Cogne to the Sella Hut and back

A walk on the clumps

A walk on the clumps

A walk on the clumps

A walk on the clumps

A walk on the clumps

A walk on the clumps


Days Lock from The Clumps

Yogi does the clumps

Yogi up on the clumps

The Clumps are a bit of a stretch for Little E now. That means Yogi gets a work out on his own. Today: up and down through the buttercups and past the occasional daisy or two.

Ewok looks out


Well, I did warn you.

Getting old




Out with the dogs

Out with the dogs


Out with the dogs


Little E is getting a little slower, and someday's he's far from being one hundred percent. On tonight's evening stroll he forgot which way we were heading. So please, don't be too surprised if there's more than a few Ewok pics for the next while or two. After all, the little fella has been with us for a while, and put more than a bit of an amazing shift in.

A walk

Private Track: no public access or right of way





The jumps

Flood impact

Town Arms Wallingford

The Town Arms Wallingford

Home things packaging

Home things

The Book







Getting ready for a reading fest.

June in the Garden

June in the garden

June in the garden

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