Articles by Aiddy

Ewok had a chilled weekend

Ewok & H


Big thanks to H for looking out for the boys!

The walk to the pub

Heading to the pub

Dinner at the pub. The Cornish Arms.

Hut window

Shed window

Research. We stayed in another Shepherd's Hut.

Waiting for Summer

Welcome summer

It's slow coming.

May in the Garden (The Return)


The Garden

The Garden


Some bonus "May in the Garden".

(There's always, always, more.)



The Weir

The weir at Benson Lock

Still shut to foot-traffic across the weir, but waiting patiently for repairs to begin.

Morning Walk

Morning Dog Walk

Morning Dog Walk

A wet and windy walk that got brighter and dryer.

Morning Dog Walk

We got to swing past the less-lonely tree too.

A good year for caterpillars

Good year for caterpillars

Not content with eating all the box, another type of caterpillar are now covering things that aren't box. Haven't seen this for a while

Are you ok?


Another way to wait for the train. Windows open, engine running.

Yogi Posing




Yogi, learning to pose.


Listening Lounge

Listening Lounge

Listening is everything.


Morning London Run

London Run

Morning London Run

Morning London Run

Morning London Run

Morning London Run

In every day this week (not done that since before the pandemic), and my body tired of the commute so I stayed over on Thursday to get some decent sleep. That didn't work out great, so I found myself on a beautiful morning run rather early.

Morning London Run

Слава Україні! as they say in the Cabinet Office.

Happy Friday

Happy Friday

Happy Friday

Old Haunts

University of Westminster

University of Westminster

The amazing B has tracked down somewhere around 85% of PEIS. Astounding and commendable. At this rate we might even meet up. Inspired by M (who did similarly a day earlier) I took a (very short) detour on the ride in to grab a reminder of the place where we met.

Cuddle Time with Little E

F & Ewok

F paints

F in the garden

F in the garden

F in the garden

F in the garden


Garden inspiration.

Yogi on Patrol




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